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Laser Surface Texturing (LST) applications are growing significantly and the MTC is leading the technological and industrial placement of this technology. LST changes the properties of engineered surfaces for many industrial applications and sectors.

Consulting related to Process development and optimization in the context of Manufacturing

Provided by THE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY CENTR… 2 years, 7 months ago (last modified 2 years, 7 months ago); viewed 774 times and licensed 0 times
Subscription Price: EUR 5,000.00 / 0.0 Day(s)


The MTC can support your business by helping select the right parts for laser surface texturing, in order to create business benefits and ROI. The total life cycle costs can be reduced for new products, operations and maintenance. Exploring the benefits of LST requires the evaluation of both technical and commercial issues. The MTC can help by:

  • Providing education on LST and exploring the opportunities LST provides
  • Using our extensive in-house expertise to assess business opportunities for LST
  • Advising on the business case as well as Make vs Buy decisions
  • Developing manufactured LST trial components to validate selections.
  • Advising on supply chain options for part manufacture


The MTC LST team will work closely with your business to:

  • Capture part requirements
  • Understand the business drivers
  • Assess the suitability of laser surface texturing
  • Down select parts for the LST process
  • Develop the business case
  • Highlight a pragmatic route to LST adoption
  • Advice on training and the supply chain


LST business case report for specific component/ application within the business

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Product portfolio assessment (PPA)

  • Confirm product functionality requirement, current manufacturing route, life cycle costs etc.
  • Initial down selection of viable components using a scoring matrix
  • Generate a range of potential LST design solutions
  • Evaluate design against full scoring criteria including total life cycle cost
  • Develop business case and implementation roadmap including training and supply chain

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Opportunity brainstorming workshop

  • Introduction to LST technology and its working mechanism.
  • Explore 6 LST surface properties and example applications within your business
  • Brainstorm LST opportunities within the business to enhance products, increase sales, reduce lifetime cost etc.
  • Introduction to MTC LST product portfolio analysis (PPA)
  • Mapping next steps on the LST business value and technical journey

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