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Building applications based on SISL or GoTools

To provide consultancy for the development of dedicated applications targeting 3D CAD-type geometric problems building on the functionality of the SINTEF software libraries. SISL and/or GoTools

Consulting related to Data analytics Path planning & CAM Product design Prototyping Visualization in the context of Aerospace (Aeronautics) Automotive Industrial Machinery Manufacturing Medical Devices

Provided by SINTEF 2 years, 4 months ago (last modified 2 years, 4 months ago); viewed 1064 times and licensed 0 times


For specific design and production problems it is sometime very attractive to develop a targeted application rather than use generic CAD/CAM-type systems. This is especially of interest when the functionality needed goes beyond standard CAD/CAM-system type functionality, however, where CAD-type geometries are central in the application. An example of such an application is the comparison of huge 3D points acquired with, e.g., laser scanning, 3D camera and structured light with a nominal CAD-model. SISL and GoTools provide a solid foundation for developing such applications. Another example is building volumetric spline models targeting Isogeometric Analysis (IgA) where B-splines replace the role of traditional shape functions in Finite Element Analysis. A third example is the creation compact locally refine spline surfaces for large point clouds.

While SISL provide only mathematical functionality for CAD-type curves and surface, GoTools provide support for CAD-type B-rep models where the object is represented by a collection of the shell surface, as well as CAD type V-rep models where the objects have a tri-variate mathematical description. GoTools has also support for the novel Locally Refined B-spline technology that is a more power full approach to local refinement than T-splines.


The consultancy will start by communication (i.e., online meeting) where the problem at hand is discussed and the feasibility of the use of SISL and/or GoTools is established. A typical next phase will be the development of requirements specifications followed by a design of the application to be developed. It will be important to establish test data for verification of the application when the development has been completed. The complete development could be done by SINTEF, or alternatively the application can be developed by the customer with more or less assistance from SINTEF.

The price for SINTEF consultancy for SISL and GoTools will be determined for each phase of the consultancy based on the expected use of resources.


Dependent on what the customer wants the outcome can be at different levels: A study of the feasibility of the use of SISL and GoTools for the challenge addressed; A specification of the application to be developed; A developed and verified application targeting the challenge.

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Either implement according to agreed specification the application addressing the challenge, or provided consulting to enable the client on its own to efficiently implement the application itself.

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Specification of application

Discuss with the client the problem at hand to find possible solutions, and specify how it can be solved with available toolkits including SISL and GoTools.

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