... fostering your competitiveness with tailored knowledge transfer and proven practices...
Optimizing AM process (e.g. LPBF, LMD-p and LMD-w) parameters for highest quality parts
Consulting related to Data analytics Model-based product & process optimisation Process development and optimization in the context of Aerospace (Aeronautics) Automotive Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
Determining the optimal Additive Manufacturing process parameters is often a long process for high quality parts.
CEA List can support your Additive Manufacturing development towards highest quality parts.
Adjustment phases for new additive manufacturing parts are often necessary to identify the best manufacturing parameters. This service provides assistance in identifying these parameters, drawing on CEA's expertise and technical resources. To do this, the approach consists of supplying us with a set of parts (around 10) produced using different parameters likely to be selected. The CEA will then analyze each sample using non-destructive testing methods (X-ray, tomography, ultrasound, etc.) to detect any defects (porosity, cracks, etc.). This measurement will be supplemented by more detailed analyses to count and, if possible, characterize these defects. This approach will enable us to identify the best set of manufacturing parameters from among those evaluated.
Focus: Mainly high value metal parts such as in aeronautics sector.
Reduced calibration/validation phase for production launch
Process parameters optimized for high quality parts
Knowledge gain on influencing parameters in production
In this phase, CEA will acquire data mostly by Non-destructive technologies such as radiography, CT tomography, ultrasound, thermography and electromagnetic. The manufacturer will provide CAD and material characteristics as input for simulation
Processing of acquired NDT data (e.g. segmentation) to provide qualitative and quantitative data on defects present in samples (nature, size, concentration, total volume of defects, etc.).