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Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)

Introductive course on Additive Manufacturing: main technologies, design constraints, main tools for design and demonstrators

Course related to Product design Prototyping in the context of Aerospace (Aeronautics) Automotive Industrial Machinery Manufacturing

Provided by ITACAe 2 weeks, 1 day ago (last modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago); viewed 29 times and licensed 0 times
Unit Price: EUR 600.00 / 0.0 Untyped


Additive manufacturing technology is becoming more and more used in several industrial sectors providing new approaches for manufacture. 

Hence you may want to know some important aspects of AM such as: 

• what are the main technologies of Additive Manufacturing

• norms and standardization of AM

• main constraints on the design for design for additive manufacturing

• main tools to be used within the DfAM

Target Audience:

The course is designed for Researchers, Engineers, Designers, Process engineers and Material scientists.

Key information

• Delivery: Online

• Duration: 16 hours

• Cost: 600 € + IVA (per person with a minimum of 4 person possibly)

• Level: Introduction

For more information visit ITACAe website:


It is suggested for the attendees to have a background in science or engineering field.

Language: English

Design for additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing technologies

• Technological principles of stereolithography (photopolymerization)

• Technological principles of material extrusion

• Technological principles on sheet lamination

• Technological principles on material jetting

• Technological principles on binder jetting

• Technological principles on Powder Bed Fusion (PBF)

• Technological principal on DED process (Direct Energy Deposition)

• New technologies for Additive Manufacturing

• Technologies for post processing

• Analysis on the norms supporting the Additive Manufacturing


• Why talking about additive manufacturing?

• Brief overview of the additive manufacturing technologies

• Materials for additive manufacturing: metals and polymers

• Economic aspects related to the additive production

• Verification procedure for AM on the final product

• Overview of the main machine producers for AM

• Overview of the end user and the application of AM in different industrial sectors

• Case studies: additive manufacturing in the companies

Product design for additive manufacturing

• Introduction to DfAM

• Design process of components based on the AM technology used

• Associations of different design phases and reference guidelines (ISO/ASTM 529xx series by AM committees: ISO TC 261 e ASTM F42)

• References for technical norms, ASTM series F29xx; F30xx; ecc.

• Description of the operational phases of DfAM methodology and presentation and discussion of the main tools such as AMTOP® used for the design and the process analysis, Additive manufacturing and Tool Optimization Platform

• Example of End to End design process of a component, based on the previous points

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