
... strengthening your production processes with advanced manufacturing technology...


IPG Multiaxis Cell

Laser Welding, Drilling and Cutting

Equipment suitable for Cutting Welding

Operated by THE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY CENTR… and available at the facility The Manufacturing Technology Centre for 1 year, 11 months ago (last modified 1 year, 11 months ago); viewed 720 times, linked 0 times, and booked 0 times


Laser source: QCW Ytterbium Laser

Average output power: 450 W

Wavelength: 1070 nm

Beam Delivery: D30 wobble head or Microcutting head

Spot size: 100 µm

Pulse duration: Modulation available to 5 kHz

Max pulse energy: 45 mJ

Travel X,Y, Z: 500 x 300 x 300 mm

CNC: 5-axis

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