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Large sized Laser welding machine

Laser welding of large-format 3D stiffening structures with a flexible machine concept in an installation space of 10 x 3.5 x 1.5 m³.

Equipment related to Fiber Lasers Gas Laser suitable for Welding

Operated by The Fraunhofer Institute for Mater… and available at the facility The Fraunhofer Institute for Mater… for 1 year, 4 months ago (last modified 1 year, 4 months ago); viewed 634 times, linked 0 times, and booked 0 times


Technical data

XXL welding units for CNC precision machining, non-contact machining

Working space: 10 x 3 x 1.5 m3, fully 3D-capable


Aerospace, e.g. fuselage structures, door cutouts, stringers, clips, skin joints

Rail vehicle construction, energy and environmental technology, e.g. shafts, tanks and other large-sized welded structures

Combined milling and laser beam welding

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