
Enter individual words or full phrases (within quotation marks); optional words preceding by "OR", excluded words preceding by "-".

Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)

Introductive course on Additive Manufacturing: main technologies, design constraints, main tools for design and demonstrators

Course provided by ITACAe


Digital Agora

The Digital Agora is a dynamic web application with its own business logic and data management, supporting multiple services, in order to enable consumers and providers to get together and benefit from building business relationships with one another.

App provided by clesgo GmbH


Laser Welding

Consulting provided by The Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS


Laser Micro Processing

Consulting provided by The Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS


Support to identify and apply standards in AM

Consulting provided by The Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS


Monitoring and Non Destructive Evaluation for AM process

Free Training (1h) focused on methods and technologies for highest quality in additive manufacturing process

Course provided by CEA-List


Ultrasonic Testing and Simulation in manufacturing process (free

inspection and characterization method, ultrasonic testing, is widely used by industry to ensure quality of the products in production and maintenance, as well as to improve complex processes such as additive manufacturing or laser welding

Course provided by CEA-List


Metal Additive Manufacturing: Focus on Laser AM process (2 days)

Course provided by CEA-List


Security in Metal Additive Manufacturing

Course provided by CEA-List


Design and Conception in Metal Additive Manufacturing

Design and Conception in Metal Additive Manufacturing

Course provided by CEA-List


Additive Manufacturing: Processes and Applications (2 days)

Fabrication additive : procédés et applications métal, polymère et céramique - INSTN (

Course provided by CEA-List


Summer School on Ultra-short Pulse Lasers Applications

UPLAMP 2024 - Summer School on Ultra-short Pulse Lasers Applications in Material Processing

Course provided by FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology


Introduction to Laser Based Additive Manufacturing

This course includes an overview of the main additive manufacturing technologies that use a laser source as the basis of the manufacturing process. Main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, materials, etc. are included.

Course provided by AIMEN


Summer School Trends and New Developments in Laser Technology

Students and Ph.D. candidates share their laser tech findings through oral presentations. Industry experts explore trends like laser hardening, high-speed cutting, additive manufacturing, laser surface modification, and ultra-short pulsed lasers.

Course provided by The Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS


Introduction to Laser Beam Welding

Understanding the key principles of laser welding of metals in different scenarios. To know the influence of the different types of joints and process parameters. Understand the quality aspects related to the process.

Course provided by AIMEN


Review of 3D technologies

Review of 3D technologies developed at FTMC and their applications.

Course provided by FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology


Laser-induced cracks for fast processing of transparent material

Review of laser-based glass cutting techniques

Course provided by FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology



A brief introduction to a product design approach in laser-based additive manufacturing.

Course provided by FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology


Efficient ablation by ultra-short pulse lasers

Theory introduction and review of recent trends in the efficient laser ablation technology and burst application.

Course provided by FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology


Fundamentals laser technology for materials processing

Basic principles of laser technology. Advantages and disadvantages, aspects to be taken into account for their selection, main characteristics and applications.

Course provided by AIMEN


Support in Product Development

• Concept validation • Initial study/tests • Consulting

Consulting provided by FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology


Support in Process Development

• Validation of laser production technologies • Microprocessing • Process optimization and assessment

Consulting provided by FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology


Business Development Support

• Innovation audits • Access to finance • Incubation • Brokerage

Consulting provided by FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology


Access to Infrastructure

• Testing various laser (micro)fabrication technologies on different materials • Prototyping • Scale-up • Support for process qualification

Consulting provided by FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology