... getting to know the people and their interactions within the community...
R&D Director of LASEA since 2013. Before he worked in a Technological Centre devoted to Industrial Optics, in Valencia, Spain, for more than 20 years managing the activity related to Industrial Lasers Applications. Once he joined LASEA, he has taken over the creation and consolidation of the activity of the LASEA R&D Department. He is author and co-author of more than 30 publications and contributions to work-shops and has been involved in numerous patent applications.
He studied Physics at the University of Valencia, Spain. Degree on European Laser Engineer by the T.U. of Wien (Euro-Laser Academy). Master of Science degree on Photonics by the University of Valencia, and PhD on Physics by the same University, working on High Power Laser Beams Characterization.
He has always tried to promote Laser Technology being involved in train-ing, dissemination and standardization activities.