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Best Practice Experiments

The content of this panel include the results, outcomes, difficulties and discussion on the activities required to complete our Best Practice Experiments:

#BPE1: process development for Additive Manufacturing of a multimaterial component (steel+copper alloy) with conformal cooling, including design for manufacturing, simulation, laser based SLM+DED, inspection, qualification.

#BPE2: evaluation, process selection and development of a laser texturing method for a functional surface (improved hydrodynamics) for an Stainless Steel maritime propeller.

The individual items in this panel will capture the findings, the best practices and recommendations associated with the different activities carried out in the different BPEs.

Subjects (1)
Test (0)
Created by AIMEN_promero 2 years, 8 months ago (last activity 2 years, 5 months ago) and viewed 888 times

Panel related to Equipment design and selection, Model-based product & process optimisation, Path planning & CAM, Process development and optimization, Process qualification, Product design, Prototyping in the context of Aerospace (Aeronautics), Automotive, Customised Electronics, Industrial Machinery, Manufacturing, Medical Devices, Textile & Clothing

Test (last activity 2 years, 5 months ago)
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