Aim: Biomimetic will provide Optimal with AR glass optical components in order to validate the added image quality value for specific microscopy applications such as bioimaging and surface analysis.
Challenges: Current practices in laser nano-structuring of transparent materials lack the capability to treat large, curved areas and provide uniform coating with suitable optical and mechanical properties restricting thus applications in optical components. Furthermore, traditional approaches for anti-reflective coatings use techniques that deposit multiple thin layers of materials onto glass surfaces under vacuum and usually, the development of the anti-reflective coatings for new materials is a long and challenging process with many iterations to reach the desired properties.
Benefits: Biomimetic has advanced its laser surface processing beyond proof-of-concept stage solving the aforementioned challenges. The approach enables precise development of durable functional (micro- or nanostructured) surface textures that mimic skin structures found in different insects (biomimetic surfaces). They use an advanced laser-processing strategy based on self-organization of material surface, to mimic the specific topography of the integument of bark bugs, wings and cicada wings to obtain the same AR characteristics.
Activities & Present achievements: The main objective of this project will be the assessment of Biomimetic’s Tettix AR glass treatments in real imaging applications related to optical microscopy. Biomimetic has advanced its laser surface processing beyond proof-of-concept stage solving these challenges and it is ready to integrate the processing into a pilot production line of Optimal Optic for curved optics. Two types of AR structures, one for the visible spectrum and another for the infrared suitable for optical components, will be tested. An optical assessment of the microscope image (clarity, resolution, sensitivity) with AR structured lens surfaces and the integration to the actual microscope and launching commercial AR-optical components will be performed for the benefit of the end-user partner in the consortium.
Current Status: Both Deliverables for the technology development stage were completed on time and passed the acceptance criteria. Optical assessment of processed glass (clarity, resolution, sensitivity) has already performed. The AR structured lens surfaces and the integration to the actual microscope as well as the AR optical components product commercial catalogue are currently being investigated.
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