Aim: RECREA aims to integrate laser cladding technology into its facilities to enhance repair capabilities for high-value components, enter new strategic markets, increase service portfolio, profitability, and competitive differentiation.

Brief description: The project involves implementing a hybrid manufacturing cell using Laser Cladding at HERGOME facilities. The company consulted various laser technology and accessory suppliers and analyzed requirements for effective integration, including laser source, movement systems, powder feeder, laser head, and nozzle. Market research, business feasibility, and technological requirements were examined to validate the technology's application.

Benefits: Integrating laser cladding technology allows HERGOME to address previously unmet repair needs, enter high-value markets like aeronautics, energy, and naval industries, enhance service portfolio and profitability, increase competitive differentiation, and position itself as a leader in manufacturing and recovering large components.

Results: The project concluded that implementing laser cladding technology is strategically significant for HERGOME. Rising demand for advanced manufacturing capabilities and efficient material coating technologies offer substantial growth opportunities. The company's new business applications were quantified, validated, and aligned with identified clients and collaborators in a value chain.

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