... exploring the methods and tools leveraged in the solutions for manufacturing companies...
PULSATE offers free access to services for a limited number of companies, by registering an Expression of Interest which will be evaluated on one of the fixed Cut-Off dates, until June 2024, or until using all the available resources. Companies in the need for support in the evaluation, testing and industrialization of laser-based manufacturing processes, should following the procedure below:
- Register in PULSATE (check the FAQ). Under "Account", create a mail-based personal account, and then a company profile. PULSATE operators will verify your company and allow you in. IMPORTANT: only users affiliated to a company can access the Expression of Interest.
- Browse the catalog of available services below in this page. Click on any category to check the description and conditions. If you find one interesting for you, click the button "License Consulting" to launch the request.
- You can find your requested service under Marketplace > Consultings > Dashboard. Click on the service to fill the details of your request.
- We recommend you to identify your request by using a descriptive name. Click on the "Relabel" button and rename at will.
- Next step: down under "Phases", click on the phase "Expression of Interest Form", to complete the three online forms required.
- > CONTACT DETAILS: General info on your company.
- > APPLICATION FORM: What you want PULSATE to do for you, this is the core of your application process. Please explain the context, ambition and benefits of what you want PULSATE to do for you. Prepare an attachment (a pdf document) with content of your choice to ilustrate the problem, particularly the technical details and challenges. Upload your attachment, it's a key part of your application.
- > ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Mandatory tickboxes, to verify your commitment with the truthfulness of your data, your understanding of the call conditions, and your agreement with our confidentiality and data handling conditions.
That's all. PULSATE evaluation committee will study your Expression of Interest and eventually approve it, designating a service provider within the consortium. Upon the signature of the terms of service, the support activity can be immediatelly started.